Fly Up Day Update:
The vote is in-we will not be having fly up day this year. Instead, we will offer tours the morning of May 16th for any students who are joining our school from other schools. I will individually notify you if we need your help with this.
Flyer Family Update: We will not meet again in family teams for this year. At the end of the year assembly, we will have an opportunity to say goodbye for the summer. We will also be discussing the pros and cons of family teams vs. buddies at our May faculty meeting.
Reading Celebration: We will have a school wide Read-A-Thon to celebrate reaching our Reading Minutes on Tuesday, May 23rd from 2-3. More details will be forthcoming.
End of Year Dates: While there are other items on the calendar, I just want to make sure everyone has all of the most important items with the correct dates and times.
Wednesday, April 26th
Administrative Professional Day
Friday, April 28th
6:00 p.m. Mappy Hour @ Modern Brewery
Monday, May 1st
Last day of LEAP for 5th Grade
Tuesday, May 2nd
Wednesday, May 3rd
Thursday, May 4th
Friday, May 5th
May 7-12th
5th grade Space Camp
Monday, May 8th
Tuesday, May 9th
Wednesday, May 10th
Thursday, May 11th
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Friday, May 12th
No School/PD Day
8:00 a.m. All District Staff Recognition
Monday, May 15th
9:00 a.m. Volunteer Tea
Tuesday, May 16th
Wednesday, May 17th
Thursday, May 18th
Friday, May 19th
Monday, May 22nd
Fun Day Make Up Day
Tuesday, May 23rd
2:00 p.m. Read A Thon
Wednesday, May 24th
5th Grade Party
Thursday, May 25th
Friday, May 26th
2017-18 Staffing News:
Congratulations to Jennifer Syrett! She will be teaching LEAP with middle schoolers at Sperreng next year. Given our lower numbers in 2nd grade, we will not be replacing her position which will result in Concord having 4 sections of 2nd grade instead of 5.
Have you had a chance to get on myON yet? If not, I encourage you to explore it with your students. Students who are already on have been raving about the kinds of books on it and love it already. If you need more information about how to get on and how to use it with students, please spend some time at this week's PLC looking into it.
In the meantime, here are some resources you might find helpful:
- Student Logins
- Username: 2-digit graduation year + first name + last name (26donjohnson)
- K-2 Password: read
- 3-5 Password: flyers2017
- Getting Started Guide for Families
- The username and password are fillable.
- Educator Resources
- Username: lindberghschools
- Password: myon
- Demo student accounts (3rd grade level)
- Username: demo+school name (demokennerly)
- Password: flyers2017
- How to download student roster with usernames
Missouri 1 Million Strong Challenge:
The Missouri Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance would like to challenge all of the Missouri youth to develop their physical literacy and be physically active 60 minutes per day. This challenge is set for May 1-7, which coincides with National Physical Education and Sport Week. If you would like to take the challenge click here for an activity log. At the end of the week, bring your log to your PE teacher. Keep Missouri youth strong by taking the MISSOURI 1 MILLION STRONG CHALLENGE!
Parent Session for Safe Touch and Internet Safety:
We will hold a parent viewing session next Thursday, April 27th in the library from 6:00-7:00. Our parents will be able to view the video and handouts for each grade level. We will have three sessions. The video is ten minutes.
6:00-6:20 K-1 grade
6:20-6:40 2-3 grade
6:40-7:00 4-5 grade
Velina Critchlow, Concord School Counselor and a representative from Jewish Family and Children's Services will be hosting the event. If you need more information please call your school counselor.
Angie Out:
Tuesday, April 25th: Admin Professional Luncheon 11:00 a.m.
Friday, April 28th: Principal Meeting at Moore at 2:00 p.m.
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