Playground Updates:
Exciting News! Our playground construction will begin on Monday, October 5th. This is such awesome news. Our preliminary plan is that we will use the Kindergarten playground, blacktop, and pavilion area for lunch recess.
eValuate for October:
Grades 3-5: please take the Mathematics test this month. As a grade level, you can decide if you want to take the ELA test. Be sure to sign up for the computer cart for when you need it this month.
Recycling in Cafeteria:
Green boxes are in cafeteria for recycling Capri Suns and squishy fruit packs.
Box Top Competition:
Our box top competition begins October 12th. It will be a grade level competition. Containers will be in the lobby and box tops can be delivered daily for those two weeks.
Grades 3-5: please take the Mathematics test this month. As a grade level, you can decide if you want to take the ELA test. Be sure to sign up for the computer cart for when you need it this month.
Recycling in Cafeteria:
Green boxes are in cafeteria for recycling Capri Suns and squishy fruit packs.
Box Top Competition:
Our box top competition begins October 12th. It will be a grade level competition. Containers will be in the lobby and box tops can be delivered daily for those two weeks.
Please share this movie with your students at some point during the week. I think this is a very powerful message for our young people.
Observation Update:
Just a reminder that when Marco and I are in your rooms observing, we will be adding our notes and observations to TalentEd so please be sure to check there for your feedback. If at any time you want to talk face to face, please let us know.
Learning Lab Updates:
Report Card Update:
One item we forgot to share on Thursday is the "Effort Rubric" that we used last year for this portion of the report card. I will send this to parents the week the report cards come out but wanted you to be able to look at it ahead of time.
Just a reminder that when Marco and I are in your rooms observing, we will be adding our notes and observations to TalentEd so please be sure to check there for your feedback. If at any time you want to talk face to face, please let us know.
Learning Lab Updates:
eAssessment Tool -How to assign tests/assignments online, how to create/edit tests
Directions on how to get into math book- Math Book Login VideoReport Card Update:
One item we forgot to share on Thursday is the "Effort Rubric" that we used last year for this portion of the report card. I will send this to parents the week the report cards come out but wanted you to be able to look at it ahead of time.
A huge thanks to Marco and his "crew" for coming in over the weekend to create pallet furniture for the atrium reading lounge.

Announcements for You to add to Social Media:
Directions on how to get into math book: Math Book Login Video
Tuesday, October 6: PTG Board Meeting 9:00-11:00 a.m.
Friday, October 9: Family Trivia Night 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Truman Cafeteria
Monday, October 12:
- Cookie Dough Fundraiser Kick off
- Box Top Competition Collection-Grade level competition
Tuesday, October 13: Staff Meeting @7:45 a.m. *Remember to sign up in MLP*
Friday, October 16:
- 1/2 day
- 9:00 a.m. Assembly, Outdoor Group Picture afterwards
- End of 1st Quarter, Dismissal at 11:50 a.m.
- Grades due Sunday night at midnight
Angie Out of the Building:
Tuesday, October 6:1:00-2:30 Meeting at CO
Friday, October 9: Dressel and ECE West Ribbon Cutting
Wednesday, October 14: 9-12 Leadership Mtg.
Thursday, October 15: 11-1 Kiwanis Club Mtg.
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