I hope everyone has a very restful weekend as we have a SUPER busy week coming up! Be sure to do something fun and restful.
Monday-Cookie Dough Fundraiser Kick Off: Our fundraiser will start on Monday. We will have a live video to kick this off on our Youtube Channel at 2:50 p.m. Please tune in when Terri announces it. Students will bring in coupons to claim their Garfields on 10.15.15, 10.20.15, and 10.23.15.
Tuesday's Staff Meeting @ 7:45 a.m.
Here is the agenda. IF you have a moment over the weekend, this is a great article that supports what we are talking about.
Please Bring: One of your student leadership binders or an example of something you have done with the binder.
Friday's Schedule:
Please do NOT park on the parking lot by the field. Thank you for your help with this. If you are late, you might get stuck parking at the farmer's lot. Also, it will be a NO LETTER day as the schedule does not allow for block time.
9:00-9:30 Assembly in Gym
9:40-10:15 Group Picture: Immediately after the assembly, we will head out to the field for a group picture. We will be spelling out "CONCORD" and Mrs. Deeter will be directing us but it will be helpful if you know your placement and instruct the children ahead of time which letter they will be filling in.
10:15-11:50 Class timeC- 5th grade Grey shirts
O- 1st grade Green shirts
N- 4th grade Dk Blue shirts
C-K Red shirts
O- 2nd grade Purple shirts
R-3rd grade Lt Blue shirts
D Staff –Black shirts
11:50- Dismissal
Report Card and Conference Tips:
- Report Card Comments from Scholastic
- Great Ideas for Report Card Comments
- Resource for Parent Teacher Conferences. There are both ELA and Math.
Monday, October 12:
- Cookie Dough Fundraiser Kick off
- Box Top Competition Collection-Grade level competition begins
Tuesday, October 13: Staff Meeting @7:45 a.m. *Remember to sign up in MLP*
Friday, October 16:
- 1/2 day
- 9:00 a.m. Assembly, Outdoor Group Picture afterwards
- End of 1st Quarter, Dismissal at 11:50 a.m.
- Grades due Sunday night at midnight
Tuesday, October 20:
- Service Leadership Mtg.
- Instructional Leadership Mtg.
- Student Leadership Mtg.
Wednesday, October 21: Kindergarten to Stuckmeyer Pumpkin Farm
Angie Out of the Building:
Wednesday, October 14: 9-12 Leadership Mtg.
Thursday, October 15: 11-1 Kiwanis Club Mtg.
Thursday, October 22: 9-11 District Walkthroughs
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