"Even though it sounds like a cliche, you MUST stay focused on the positive. Complaining and focusing on the negative will wear you down. So use your interactions with other teachers to talk about SOLUTIONS, rather than seeking out people to vent with you."
"Don’t get distracted by the documentation and paperwork and meetings –-handle your business, but always, always, keep your heart and mind focused on the kids. They’re the best part of this job, and it’s only going to get better with them from here on out."
"You’ll feel a lot better if you spend your evenings celebrating the good stuff and looking for new ways to make the next day better instead of rehashing problems."
Report Cards and Conferences:
- Effort Rubric: Just a reminder that this is the tool to use as you complete your report cards.
- Grades are due Sunday at midnight.
- Please be sure to get a conference scheduled with every parent for Parent/Teacher conferences. Our goal is 100% participation. Please let me know if you are having any trouble scheduling conferences.
- Please let Marco, Angie, Velina, or Maggi know if you have conferences set where you would like one of us to attend so we can get those on our calendars.
Don’t forget to invite Marco or Angie in when you are doing something specifically related to your indicator. In addition, Marco created a video to explain the observation form if you are wondering about our process.
Observation Form Explanation Video
Identifying The DOK Levels
Valic Representative (Tuesday):
The School District’s 403(b) and 457(b) Retirement Plan Rep, Ken Klages, will be visiting Concord Elementary on Tuesday, October 20th from 8:00-11:30.to discuss retirement planning, provide information on the School District’s 403(b) and 457(b) Plans, and review existing accounts. If you are interested in meeting with Ken you will need to reserve an appointment with the link below. If there is a green “Select” button in the Register column that time is available. The Registration Code is: 8234SAI11AR https://my.valic.com/SeminarRegistration/ If you are unable to meet that day but would still like to speak with Ken, he can be reached on his cell phone at (314) 346-0047.
Academic All Stars Celebration:
Save the Date - Academic All-Stars for Concord will be Monday, November 23 from 6:00-7:00. We would love to see 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade teachers in attendance.
We have a lot to be thankful for this week!
Concord Choir Shines at Sunday Night Lights: A huge thank you to Valerie and the choir for their contributions to Sunday Night Lights! It was a huge success. Be sure to check out her blog post to learn more about this event.
Fundraising: I am so appreciative of the teachers and parents for their fundraising efforts over the last week. Between box tops, Garfields, and Cookie Dough we have been super busy!
Concord Team Picture: Another gigantic MUCHAS Gracias! to the staff and parents who helped us with our Concord picture on Friday. Here is the link to the folder where you can add any pictures you took. We have some awesome video from the drone that I will combine with the pictures to make a video. It turned out super cool, and I thank all of you for your patience as we created this treasure. A special thanks to:
- Kristie Deeter (Coordinator Extraordinaire and Photographer)
- Mehlville Fire Department-Captain Mike, Assistant Chief Dan, John, and Keith
- Mark Fisher (drone pilot)
- Ann Lucarz (HS band photographer)
- David Wyss, Alec Patton, Dan Arana, Joel Fisher, and Cheslesea Silvermintz (Field Painters)
- Service Leadership Mtg.
- Instructional Leadership Mtg.
- Student Leadership Mtg.
- Ken Klagus (VALIC representative) in lounge
- Garfield -Ticket collection
Wednesday, October 21: Kindergarten to Stuckmeyer Pumpkin Farm
Thursday, October 22: 5th Grade to Cahokia Mounds
Friday, October 23: Last Garfield-Fundraiser Ticket collection and last day for Boxtop competition
Friday, October 23: Last Garfield-Fundraiser Ticket collection and last day for Boxtop competition
Monday, October 26: Parent Teacher Conferences 4-7:30
Tuesday, October 27:
- Teacher Leadership Mtg.
- 2nd Grade to Powell Hall
Wednesday, October 28: Parent Teacher Conferences 4-7:30
Thursday, October 29: Link to Schedule for the Day
Friday, October 30: No School-Conference Compensation Day
Angie Out of the Building:
Thursday, October 22: 9-11 District Walkthroughs
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