As we complete another wonderful week, I want you to help our students focus on the heart this week. Watching the news and seeing the devastation in Texas, I believe we can use this tragic situation to help our students see that they can make a difference to make the world a better place. Liz and I will be meeting with the leadership team and PTG board members on Tuesday to brainstorm on how we can support others in need.
PGP Work: Please schedule your initial PGP meeting with your evaluator for the year (listed in the drive). Meetings should occur by Friday, September 29th. Prior to this meeting you should have completed the Initial PGP Form in TalentEd. You can either click Save and Submit prior or wait until after your meeting to submit. Please bring your laptop to this meeting so we can discuss your PGP goals. For your individual PGP indicator, you can choose from the 13 indicators listed in red on this document. *LTAs and PE Teaching Assistants must select an indicator.*
For our building PGP indicator, the Professional Development committee met in June and selected indicator 3.2: Curriculum Implementation. The teacher recognizes the importance of long-range planning and curriculum development. The teacher develops, implements, and evaluates curriculum based upon student, district, and state standards data. Please reference the hyperlinked document as you are working to complete your building level PGP in TalentEd.
Student T-Shirts: We would like to order t-shirts for our Concord students for our assemblies and buddy day activities. Please take a moment by the end of the day Wednesday to add t-shirt sizes to this document. Please mark one of the following:
- YS-youth small
- YM-youth medium
- YL-youth large
- YXL-youth extra large
- AS-adult small
- AM-adult medium
- AL-adult large
Menus for September:
Mandatory PD: All staff, classified and certified, are required to complete this training. An email from SafeSchools went out the first week of school. It came from Lindbergh R-VIII School. If you have not received an email with your mandatory PD modules from SafeSchools, please check your spam, promotions, social folders. If you still cannot locate the email, please contact Rachel Slunaker through email at All mandatory PD is required to be completed no later than September 30th.
A Message from Beth Johnston: The email address is a great place for you and your staff to send any student or staff accomplishments, awards or recognitions that are not of a timely nature. We check this account periodically and always post these on the website and include them in the monthly Board of Education special recognitions.
Technology Support: Doug is “OUR” tech dude. If you have any instructional technology needs, please feel free to reach out to him.
PikMyKid Update: Parents have been creating their accounts over the past week. This week is our trial for parents to get in and play with the app. Effective as of Monday, September 11th, we will be using the app for the following:
Attendance Notification: If a student is going to be absent, the parent will use the app to mark the child absent and why.
Dismissal Changes: All dismissal changes will be through the app. Any change of how a child is going home should be marked in the app.
External Dismissal Arrival: As parents come through the drop off line, they will announce their arrival.
If you get any emails about the above items, please feel free to kindly reply asking the parents if they have the app and that you are just checking to make sure they are aware of our new procedures. If anyone needs help, let them know they can call Debbie in the front office or the helpline. In addition, we are going to put a 2 page document in your mailbox on how to login to the website. Please take a moment this week to look at site and play around. Your login is your Lindbergh email and the password will be on the sheet. Additional information to come your way at the end of the week.
September 15th, International Dot Day: 
This looks like a fun and inspiring activity to get involved in with your class. Thanks Becky for sharing this information!
Please share with your families the link to parent teacher conferences. It can be found here.
Thank you so much for giving up a night with your family. I know all of the parents really appreciated Curriculum nights.
Bus Driver Day was a success! Special thanks to Kim, Alysse, Tara and Lisa!
Angie and Liz will be out Thursday from 8:30-11:30 at PD. Beth Siegfried will be teacher in charge in case of emergencies.
Monday, Sept. 4
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Tuesday, Sept. 5
Leadership Committee Meeting
PTG Board Meeting
9:00 – 11:00 am
Creation Station
Creation Station
Friday, Sept. 8
Movie Night
6:30 – 9:30 pm
Concord Gym
Monday, Sept. 11
D.O.C. Meeting
7:00 pm
Helen Fitzgerald’s
Tuesday, Sept. 12
Staff Meeting
Creation Station
Wednesday, Sept. 13
Buddy Day
Early Release
9:00 a.m.
1:40 pm
Thursday, Sept. 14
3-5 Learning Lab
8:30 am - 12:10 pm
Creation Station
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