Super Monday!
going to have a Super after the Super Bowl Monday and celebrate with Pretzel
Boys at lunch.
Staff Meeting
We will
get together at 7:45 on Tuesday for our staff meeting in the library. We
are calling this meeting the "Innovation Cafe" and will be providing
a coffee bar.
Article to read before staff
meeting (Feel free to print)
Garden Committee
would like to expand their garden committee and would love for you to join.
There will be a meeting Tuesday, Feb 9th in the PD room at 3:30
p.m. Our main goal is to figure out how to raise additional funds for
the rest of the garden. If you are not able to attend, but want more
information, please email Bill Loos.
Early Dismissal
Wednesday is early dismissal and we will be focusing on further developing in
our PGPs. We will send the agenda on Monday on where to meet and what to
Box Top Challenge

Group Pictures
will be here on Thursday, Feb 11th to photograph all the groups/clubs
at Concord. Can you please remind your kids and their parents to send
that day any group shirts or uniforms needed for the picture?
We will
be photographing the following groups:
· Concord Flyer Choir
· Strings
· Chess Club
· Girls on the Run
· Running Club
· Read, Right, Run
· Girl Scouts (Juniors,
Brownies, Daisies)
· Boy Scouts (Webelos II,
Webelos I, Bears, Wolves, Tigers)
Also on
that day, we will be taking head and shoulders photos of any new students that
were enrolled after picture day.
Candy Grams-"Garden Love"
We will be selling Candy Grams this week during the lunch hour on Tuesday –Thursday
for $0.25 each. Students and teachers
can choose to buy just one or to buy one for each member of the class. Funds raised will go to the garden.
Cardinals Concord Night
Night at Busch Stadium will be Wednesday, April 13, 7:10
p.m. Concord Flyer Choir sings at 6:50 p.m. behind home plate.
Tickets are $16 each. Deadline for ordering is March 9. Checks are made payable to Concord Elementary. All sales are final. Tickets will be ready for pick-up the week of March 14 in the Concord office.
Tickets are $16 each. Deadline for ordering is March 9. Checks are made payable to Concord Elementary. All sales are final. Tickets will be ready for pick-up the week of March 14 in the Concord office.
Monday 2.8.16 DOC Meeting 7 p.m.
Tuesday 2.9.16 Staff Meeting 7:45 a.m., 3rd grade teachers to Math Training
Wednesday 2.10.16 Early Release
Thursday 2.11.16 2nd
grade teachers to Math Training, Group Yearbook Photos
Friday 2.12.16 Jump Rope for Heart-block schedule will come out soon
11-12 5th grade
12:45-1:45 3rd grade
2-3 4th grade
Monday 2.15.16
President’s Day-No School
Tuesday 2.16.16 1st
Grade Math Training, 2nd grade Field Trip to Magic House (Frederich
and Syrett), Kindergarten registration begins
Wednesday 2.17.16 2nd
grade Field Trip to Magic House (Bozdeck, Martin, and Snyder)
Thursday 2.18.16
Kindergarten teachers to Math training, Maker’s Fair 3:30-6
Friday 2.19.16 Spring
Picture Day
Wednesday 2.10.16
Admin Leadership
Tuesday 2.16.16 and
Wednesday 2.17.16 Leader in Me
Friday 2.19.16
Principals’ Meeting
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