Happy Leap Day. It’s a bit unfair that because of Leap year we got stuck with an extra Monday. So to make it a little easier to take, feel free to leap into this day with a Concord spirit day on Monday. And I thank you for taking the time to read this very lengthy Weekly Update!
Learning Labs on Wednesday: Thanks for being flexible. We are going to host Learning Labs on Wednesday in the PD room. Please be sure to bring a charged laptop. Agenda will be coming soon.
Friday, March 4th is a ½ day Please remind your families that it is an 11:50 dismissal. PM Kindergarten students will be in attendance. The schedule can be found here. In addition, we will have an Leader in Me Assembly at 9:00 a.m. to celebrate our 3rd quarter successes and refocus on our energy on the 7 Habits.
The afternoon is a records day. Report cards are due at midnight on Sunday.
Here are the links to reading levels for your reference:
Instructional Reading Levels by Quarter (named in the drive as: Instructional Level Expectation for Reading-most current copy (9.8.14))
Instructional Reading Levels by Month (named in the drive as: Lindbergh Instructional Text Reading Levels by Month-most current copy (9.8.14)
Support Staff and Teacher of the Year Nominations are due by March 18. Please take a moment to nominate your deserving colleagues.
Arts and Education Fund: The Arts and Education Campaign has begun. Please consider supporting the Arts and Education Council with a donation. The Council provides many great art education and outreach programs for our students and K-12 students throughout the Greater St. Louis area. You may give a one-time or monthly on-line donation by clicking on the following link: Concord's Arts and Education Council Fundraising Page If you prefer to write a check, see Katie Goedde or Valerie Creech.
Here are some great groups to join on Facebook if you haven’t done so already:
- The Reading Strategies Book Community - Jennifer Serravallo
I came across this quote and would love for you to discuss in your weekly meetings what it means to your students:
I also want to thank the Dads of Concord for such an amazing Casino Night. As this was my first, I had no idea what to expect but it was such a fun time. I can’t wait to hear about the totals from all of the incredible donations from our families.
Please be sure to share the following items in your weekly updates to parents:
Last Day of School is Friday, May 27: The recent snow day on Feb. 24 has shifted the last day of the 2015-16 school year to Friday, May 27. The 27th will still be a half day for students. As a reminder, emergency makeup days are posted through Friday, June 3, to accommodate potential future school closings this winter. If we have any additional days off school, it will change the last day of school for students. The district's Google calendar and the official 2015-16 School Year Calendar reflect these changes.
2015-16 calendar link (revised)
Concord Fly Up Day: May 27th
Concord End of Year Party May 24
Records Day: May 31
Gentle Reminders: Parents please send in lunch money to the office. Remember you can check your child’s balance on the SIS portal. In addition, be sure to phone in to our attendance hotline when your child will be out. 314.729.2409
MAP dates: We have scheduled our tentative testing dates for April 11-29th for grades 3-5. Please try to avoid scheduling appointments or missing school during this window.
St. Baldrick’s Shave for Childhood Cancer: Caelyn W. (Greteman’s 1st grade class) is participating in the St. Baldrick’s shave for childhood cancer. If you would like to support her, her shave will be at 5:15 on March 5, 2016 at Helen Fitzgeralds. Here is the link for her fundraising page: https://www.stbaldricks.org/participants/mypage/813788/2016
Tuesday 3.1.16 PTG Board meeting 9:00 a.m., Mother/Son Dance 6:00-8:00 p.m. @Concord
Wednesday 3.2.16 Learning Lab
Friday 3.4.16 CLC Assembly 9:00 a.m., ½ day School, Staff appreciation lunch, Lindbergh Leader
Monday 3.7.16 DOC meeting 7:00 p.m
Tuesday 3.8.16 Daddy/Daughter Dance Concord 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Friday 3.11.16 MU Fellows Interviews @ Concord
Saturday 3.12.16 Concord Garden Work Day 9:00-12:00 p.m.
Angie Out:
Tuesday 3.1.16 MU Fellows Interviews @ Columbia
Wednesday 3.2.16 9-11 a.m. District Walkthroughs, 1 p.m. Meeting at C. O.
Friday 3.4.16 Elementary Principal mtg. 1:00 p.m.
Tuesday 3.8.16 9:00-12:00 p.m. District PD meeting
Wednesday 3.9.16 9:00-11:30 a.m. Admin Leadership Team