We are so impressed with all of the activities you have been conducting with your students to build classroom community and support student learning. The effort you put in now to create that climate of trust and respect will pay off throughout the year.
PD Reminders: Be sure to complete your mandatory PD here. You can check the box that states we will watch the "Smarter Adults, Safer Children" video together at a later date.
Attendance: Please be sure to get your attendance in by 9:00 a.m. It is much appreciated by the office.
LEAP: Begins Monday. Please do not mark them absent as their attendance will be done once they get to Sperreng. If a LEAP student comes to your class on a LEAP day, they should be redirected back out front to take the bus over to Sperreng. Please let us know if you have any questions how this works.
Voicemail: Please set your voicemail system set up with a personalized message.
Reading: We are excited to introduce our reading goal to the kids this week. Our school wide goal is 1,000,000 minutes by the end of the school year. Teachers, please start tracking reading progress. We will collect your data at the end of each month to update our progress chart. The first data collection will happen in September.
1/2 Day p.m. Substitute: Our new LTA, Stacey Vondera, is available for afternoon subbing so please keep that in mind. We would like to utilize her first so if you are in need, please let Terri or Cathy A. know so we can request her.
Reading Levels: Just a reminder that the reading levels are in the drive. These are the ones you should be utilizing:
- Lindbergh Instructional Text Reading Levels by month
- Instructional Level Expectation for Reading by quarter
Curriculum Night Reminders:
- Please remind parents about the Parent Portal during Curriculum Nights. We want parents to log on to the Portal and complete the Online Registration paperwork. This updates the parents phone numbers, email address, emergency contacts, Media Exclusion, etc. etc. etc. We also have to capture new information regarding Military Status for DESE -- this will be reported in October --- there is a form on the parent portal for parents to complete. If parents have any questions, please have them contact sissupport@lindberghschools.ws
- Buzz Book Opt out Forms: You will find these green forms in your mailbox for curriculum nights. Parents will return the sheet if they don't want to be a part of the buzz book.
Learning Labs Thursday: We will meet in the PD room on Thursday, September 3rd. Please bring a laptop and a smile. We are going to begin our work looking at standards, starting with Mathematics.

Announcements for Social Media:
go/10c0d4fa4a72fa7f49- babysitting1
GOTR: Calling all 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade girls for our GOTR (Girls on the Run) Team this fall. The registration link is already available from now until Sept. 2 at 5:00, and all registering is done online! We practice on Mondays and Thursdays right after school until 4:45. Practices will start on Thursday, Sept. 10. Here is the link to their website: http://girlsontherunstlouis.org/
Curriculum Night Reminders: The Concord PTG (Parent Teacher Group) will be offering babysitting during Curriculum Night on both next Tuesday, Sept. 1st and Thursday, Sept. 3rd in the gym. Babysitting is open to children ages 5 and older and the cost is $1.00 per child. All specifics are included in the links below. Sign up is easy. Simply click the link below that fits your needs:
Thursday: http://www.signupgenius.com/GOTR: Calling all 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade girls for our GOTR (Girls on the Run) Team this fall. The registration link is already available from now until Sept. 2 at 5:00, and all registering is done online! We practice on Mondays and Thursdays right after school until 4:45. Practices will start on Thursday, Sept. 10. Here is the link to their website: http://girlsontherunstlouis.org/
Monday, August 31:
LEAP begins
Tuesday, September 1:
PTG board meeting 9:00-11:00 a.m.
District Walkthroughs (@ Concord)
Grade 1 and PEGS curriculum night 6:00 p.m.
Grade 2 curriculum night 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, September 3:
Learning Labs in PD Room during block
Grade 3 curriculum night 6:00 p.m.
Grades 4 and 5 curriculum night 7:00 p.m.
Friday, September 4:
Bus Driver Day
Monday, September 7:
No School-Labor Day
Tuesday, September 8:
7:45-8:30 Staff Meeting
Wednesday, September 9:
Angie out in a.m.
Thursday, September 10:
Angie out in p.m.
6:15-7:15 LEAP grades 1 and 2 Curriculum night
7:00-8:00 LEAP grade 5 Curriculum night
Friday, September 11:
6:30 PTG movie night at Concord
LEAP begins
Tuesday, September 1:
PTG board meeting 9:00-11:00 a.m.
District Walkthroughs (@ Concord)
Grade 1 and PEGS curriculum night 6:00 p.m.
Grade 2 curriculum night 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, September 3:
Learning Labs in PD Room during block
Grade 3 curriculum night 6:00 p.m.
Grades 4 and 5 curriculum night 7:00 p.m.
Friday, September 4:
Bus Driver Day
Monday, September 7:
No School-Labor Day
Tuesday, September 8:
7:45-8:30 Staff Meeting
Wednesday, September 9:
Angie out in a.m.
Thursday, September 10:
Angie out in p.m.
6:15-7:15 LEAP grades 1 and 2 Curriculum night
7:00-8:00 LEAP grade 5 Curriculum night
Friday, September 11:
6:30 PTG movie night at Concord
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