It is hard to believe that we are almost finished with the 3rd quarter of school. I am continually amazed at your willingness to do whatever it takes to ensure success for our students. This is the time of year that we may need to pull out some new tricks for our struggling kiddos. We are here for you to provide support for your students, brainstorm new strategies, or guide you to the right resources. Don’t forget to lean on us!
Recess Update
As the weather gets nicer, please keep in mind that there are 2 scheduled recesses after the lunch recesses (after 1:35 p.m.).
Kindergarten: 2:10-2:30
1st grade: 2:35-2:55
If your class is in need of a break, please be sure to use the time on the playground that is not already being utilized. In addition, feel free to use the Concord Mile to get a little activity in.
Learning Labs on Wednesday, March 1st
We need to move learning labsto March 1st this week. Please bring your Reading Strategies book and ELA priority standards to your PLC room during block. We would like to invite all intervention services this month to attend the grade levels you service including SSD, ELL, and Reading Intervention. Thanks!
MAP Testing Updates
For MAP grade levels - 2017 GLA Hot Links HERE. Please utilize the assessments tools, etc. I would like to suggest that grades 3-5 do a practice math performance event. We will be breaking into groups at our next staff meeting to start talking MAP details.
What a great celebration of kindness this week!
“Dreaming of Kindness”
“Peace, Love, and Kindness”
“Riding the Wave of Kindness”
Kindness Walk 2017
The Concord PTG will be hosting a community school board candidate forum on Thursday, March 2nd. Please be sure to submit your RSVP if you plan on attending so we have enough seating. 
Here is the link to RSVP. In addition, if you have any questions, please be sure to submit the questions here. PTG will collect and organize these questions.
Angie, Marco, and Liz will be out all day Thursday for learning walks.
Angie will be out on Friday afternoon for principal meeting at Moore.
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