I don't know about you but the weather this weekend gave me some serious positive energy. It reminded me that spring is coming and our time outdoors during the weekend is near. I am going to make every effort this week to look at the positive, and I challenge you to join me. February can be a hard month so let's start it right with a spirit day tomorrow!
National School Counselor Week is February 1-5. February 5th -Lindbergh will celebrate Counselor's Day. Please be sure to share the love for all that Mrs. Critchlow, Mrs. Geisz, and Mrs. Ronzio do for our school!
ELL Testing is happening this upcoming week. Please remind students to be extra quiet when walking down the halls.
Thanks for entering your attendance on Friday! I know it can be a pain to remember to do this daily.
Congrats to the following teacher grant winners: 4th grade team, Beth Seigfried, and Lindsay Marting. A huge thank you to the Lindbergh Foundation for making this possible. Teachers were awarded funds for archery equipment, science tools, and self checking math center.
Learning Labs will be on Thursday in the PD room. We will be processing the reading Units of Study and looking at student data.
Learning Labs will be on Thursday in the PD room. We will be processing the reading Units of Study and looking at student data.
Check out TinkerBox!
If you can imagine it, you can build it with TinkerBox.
TinkerBox is a fun, free-to-play physics puzzle game. While it is full of interesting science facts and teaches basic engineering concepts, TinkerBox is more than just educational!
Take the tools in your hands to explore your creativity and imagination with Invent mode. Build outrageous machines, share them with your friends, or download popular inventions online at http://www.tinkerboxnews.com.
Stretch your brain through the devious Puzzle mode. Get immersed in physics-based puzzles and mechanical concepts, where your only hope for success is your creative problem solving.

3rd and 4th graders had a wonderful time at Ability Awareness day last week. A special thanks to Stacy Zobrist, Tim Brooks, and Kate Pickett for organizing this very special day for our students.
A huge thank you to the following people who attended the PTG meeting this week:
Susan, Lisa, Liz, Jennifer, Beth, Leslie, Carrie, Adrienne, and Jean
Everyone enjoyed bingo night-especially Molly who did NOT want to leave. A special thanks to Maurita Clark, Cindy Hood, and Drew Hrach for their efforts in organizing this event and thanks to Colleen Hooper and Hannah Shaughnessey for calling Bingo.

Last Day of School is Friday, May 26
The recent snow day on Jan. 20 has shifted the last day of the 2015-16 school year to Thursday, May 26. The 26th will still be a half day for students. As a reminder, emergency makeup days are posted through Friday, June 3, to accommodate potential future school closings this winter. If we have any additional days off school, it will change the last day of school for students. The district's Google calendar and the official 2015-16 School Year Calendar reflect these changes.
2015-16 calendar link:

Mon. 2.1.16 Celebrate February with a Spirit Day!
Tues. 2.2.16
- 100th Day of School celebrations
- PTG Board Meeting 9-11 a.m.
Wed. 2.3.16
- 5th grade teachers to Math Training
- 4th grade Learning Labs
Thur. 2.4.16
- 4th grade teachers to Math Training
- Learning Labs in Conference Room
- Major Savers PTG Fundraiser kick off
Friday 2.5.16
- Counselor's Day
- Superbowl Luncheon
Monday 2.8.16 DOC Meeting 7 p.m.
Tuesday 2.9.16
- Staff Meeting 7:45 a.m.
- 3rd grade teachers to Math Training
Wednesday 2.10.16 Early Release
Thursday 2.11.16
- 2nd grade teachers to Math Training
- Group Yearbook Photos
Friday 2.12.16
- Jump Rope for Heart-block schedule will come out soon
- 11-12 5th grade
- 12:45-1:45 3rd grade
- 2-3 4th grade
Angie Out:
Tues. 2.2.16 PD Meeting 12-3 p.m.
Fri. 2.5.16 Principal Meeting 1-4 p.m.
Wednesday 2.10.16 Admin Leadership
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