Sunday, January 31, 2016

Weekly Update 1.31.16-2.6.16

I don't know about you but the weather this weekend gave me some serious positive energy.  It reminded me that spring is coming and our time outdoors during the weekend is near.  I am going to make every effort this week to look at the positive, and I challenge you to join me.  February can be a hard month so let's start it right with a spirit day tomorrow!

National School Counselor Week is February 1-5.  February 5th -Lindbergh will celebrate Counselor's Day.  Please be sure to share the love for all that Mrs. Critchlow, Mrs. Geisz, and Mrs. Ronzio do for our school!

ELL Testing is happening this upcoming week.  Please remind students to be extra quiet when walking down the halls.

Thanks for entering your attendance on Friday!  I know it can be a pain to remember to do this daily.

Congrats to the following teacher grant winners: 4th grade team, Beth Seigfried, and Lindsay Marting.  A huge thank you to the Lindbergh Foundation for making this possible. Teachers were awarded funds for archery equipment, science tools, and self checking math center.

Learning Labs will be on Thursday in the PD room.  We will be processing the reading Units of Study and looking at student data. 

Check out TinkerBox!
If you can imagine it, you can build it with TinkerBox.

TinkerBox is a fun, free-to-play physics puzzle game. While it is full of interesting science facts and teaches basic engineering concepts, TinkerBox is more than just educational!

Take the tools in your hands to explore your creativity and imagination with Invent mode. Build outrageous machines, share them with your friends, or download popular inventions online at

Stretch your brain through the devious Puzzle mode. Get immersed in physics-based puzzles and mechanical concepts, where your only hope for success is your creative problem solving.

3rd and 4th graders had a wonderful time at Ability Awareness day last week.  A special thanks to Stacy Zobrist, Tim Brooks, and Kate Pickett for organizing this very special day for our students.

A huge thank you to the following people who attended the PTG meeting this week:
Susan, Lisa, Liz, Jennifer, Beth, Leslie, Carrie, Adrienne, and Jean

Everyone enjoyed bingo night-especially Molly who did NOT want to leave.  A special thanks to Maurita Clark, Cindy Hood, and Drew Hrach for their efforts in organizing this event and thanks to Colleen Hooper and Hannah Shaughnessey for calling Bingo.  

Last Day of School is Friday, May 26
The recent snow day on Jan. 20 has shifted the last day of the 2015-16 school year to Thursday, May 26. The 26th will still be a half day for students. As a reminder, emergency makeup days are posted through Friday, June 3, to accommodate potential future school closings this winter. If we have any additional days off school, it will change the last day of school for students. The district's Google calendar and the official 2015-16 School Year Calendar reflect these changes. 

2015-16 calendar link:

WOW-our upcoming weeks are super busy!
Mon. 2.1.16  Celebrate February with a Spirit Day!
Tues. 2.2.16 
  • 100th Day of School celebrations
  • PTG Board Meeting 9-11 a.m.
Wed. 2.3.16 
  • 5th grade teachers to Math Training
  • 4th grade Learning Labs
Thur. 2.4.16 
  • 4th grade teachers to Math Training
  • Learning Labs in Conference Room
  • Major Savers PTG Fundraiser kick off
Friday 2.5.16 
  • Counselor's Day
  • Superbowl Luncheon
Monday 2.8.16 DOC Meeting 7 p.m.
Tuesday 2.9.16
  • Staff Meeting 7:45 a.m.
  • 3rd grade teachers to Math Training
Wednesday 2.10.16 Early Release
Thursday 2.11.16
  • 2nd grade teachers to Math Training
  • Group Yearbook Photos
Friday 2.12.16
  • Jump Rope for Heart-block schedule will come out soon
  • 11-12 5th grade
  • 12:45-1:45 3rd grade
  • 2-3 4th grade
Angie Out:
Tues. 2.2.16 PD Meeting 12-3 p.m.
Fri. 2.5.16 Principal Meeting 1-4 p.m.
Wednesday 2.10.16 Admin Leadership

Thursday, January 28, 2016

5th Graders Using TweenTribune

Check this out!  5th graders bring their devices to guided reading groups to read on a great website called TweenTribune.  I also noticed on the website there is a place to select lower level texts (K-4) on high interest topics.  This is a an excellent website to find highly engaging reading materials on relevant topics of interest to students.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

4th Grade-Primary Source Documents

These 4th graders are on FIRE!  They are learning how look at both sides of a primary document and then spin evidence to fit their argument.  They are looking at sources such as paintings, letters, advertisements to notice supporting evidence to support their argument.

4th Graders Researching to Spin Evidence to Fit Their Arguments

Friday, January 22, 2016

Weekly Update 1.24.16-1.30.16

Grades 3-5: Please be sure to complete Mathematics evaluate for January by the end of the month.

Choice Art with Mrs. Goedde
As our students are experiencing new centers in art, please bring your classroom iPads to Art class and add a QR code reader to your iPads if you have a moment.

National School Counselor Week is February 1-5.  February 5th -Lindbergh will celebrate Counselor's Day.  

(From the Two Writing Teachers Blog)
  1. Use your conferring notes, observations of kids, your on-demand assessment results, or latest samples of student writing to find 3-4 children who have similar needs. They need not be writing about similar topics, nor do they need to be similar in overall writing ability. They simply need to have one thing in common.
  2. Gather those 3-4 kids at the carpet or at a small table where you can sit in a small circle together. In general, I find that 4 is my maximum no matter the age group. I can usually get more done, with more effective teaching and coaching, if I simply do two small groups back-back, instead of one large group of 5-8 kids.
  3. Name just one strategy very clearly and concisely for kids, and ask them to try it right then and there in their own writing. Stay with them long enough to coach each kid to consider where and why to use the strategy, and then send them off to continue working independently.

It is not too late to participate in either PRISM or the Animal Expo. For the PRISM information, go to the Lindbergh School District homepage, go to either Students or Programs in the drop down menu. You will see "PRISM". When you click on that link, you can download an Entry form, a box order form, or the PRISM booklet. Just submit the Entry form and order a box next week. If you would rather do an Animal Expo project, those sheets went home recently. Both types of  projects are due on Tuesday, Feb. 16. They will be on display at the Concord Maker's Fair night, Feb. 18 from 3:30-6. Both types of projects will receive a certificate, only PRISM projects will receive a prism with their grade on it.

Tues. 1.26.16 
  • 5th Grade to Sheldon Hall 
  • Parent Teacher Group Meeting (State of the District Address) 7:00 p.m.
Fri. 1.29.16 Family Bingo at Truman 6:30 Doors open, 7:00 Game begins
Wed. 2.3.16 5th grade teachers to Math Training
Thur. 2.4.16 
  • 4th grade teachers to Math Training
  • Learning Labs in Conference Room
Friday 2.5.16 Counselor's Day

Angie Out:
Tues. 2.2.16 PD Meeting 12-3 p.m.
Fri. 2.5.16 Principal Meeting 1-4 p.m.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Reading Mini-Lesson

Check out Ms. Keutzer in action.  She was teaching her students how good readers use their voice when reading non-fiction. She utilized an anchor chart to introduce the important points to students.

She then utilized technology to enhance the lesson by having students listen to an actual narrator.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Weekly Update 1.17.16-1.23.16

Take the 2.24 minutes to watch this little reminder about making an EPIC life. 

Extended PLC's
We will meet in extended PLC's on Wednesday of this week. Here is the schedule.  
Teacher Schedule
Start TimeEnd TimeGrade LevelLocation:
8:3010:305th gradePD Room
9:0011:003rd GradeAngie's office
11:0012:40`KindergartenPD RoomEat Lunch 12:40-1:10
11:001:004th GradeAngie's officeEat Lunch
12:502:302nd GradePD Room
1:403:301st GradeAngie's office
In addition, please bring:

  • your current reading unit, 
  • 3rd-5th grades bring Reading Pathways book
  • K-2nd bring A Guide to the Reading Workshop book

Zones of Regulation:
Here is a reminder to check out the official site for the Zones of Regulation.  I love that many of you have already started incorporating this language into your classrooms.

Ability Awareness Day:
3rd and 4th graders will celebrate ability awareness day on Friday, Jan. 22nd.  Here is the schedule for anyone who may need it.

National School Board Appreciation -Feel free to send any cards to Laura Hecht at central office by Jan. 22nd

National School Counselor Week is February 1-5.

Student Engagement:  What is the point of student engagement?  I like this article because it really talks about the ultimate goal which is for students to learn and stretch their thinking.

Mon. 1.18.16 No School-Martin Luther King Day
Tues. 1.19.16 Parent Teacher Group Meeting (State of the District Address) 7:00 p.m.
Wed. 1.20.16 All Day Reading PD with Liz and Megan
Fri. 1.22.16 3rd (p.m.) and 4th (a.m.) Ability Awareness Day
Tues. 1.26.16 5th Grade to Sheldon Hall
Fri. 1.29.16 Family Bingo at Truman 6:30 Doors open, 7:00 Game begins

Angie Out: 
Fri. 1.22.16 Elementary Principal Meeting

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Kindergartners Using Skitch as a Center

How fun is this?  The children in Ms. Mais's room are taking pictures with the iPads and then use the app Skitch from Evernote to write about the picture.  This little darling used her popcorn words to spell what she knew and then sound spelled the other words.  Such a fun way to provide students with authentic writing opportunities while using technology!

What are kids working on for Genius Hour?

Goal Setting

Friday, January 8, 2016

Weekly Update 1.10.16-1.16.16

"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body."  Well, for me, I enjoy reading WAY more than I enjoy exercising. LOL:

Makers' Fair
As we rethink Science night at Concord, we would love to see different grades displaying different types of projects including science projects, genius hour projects, art work, book projects, and Social Studies projects.  This doesn’t need to be a special assignment. Hopefully, we can display some work you are already doing in class.  Please let me know if you need any kind of display box, because we will need to order those.

Early Release
Wednesday is another Early Release Day.  We will spend our afternoon in PLCs.   The agenda will be sent early this week. 

School Board Recognition Week is coming quickly; week of January 25th   We have much to be thankful for...Please have your students create cards, posters or videos to honor those that serve on Lindbergh’s Board of Education.

The 8 Minutes that Matter Most
The eight minutes that matter most are the beginning and endings. If a lesson does not start off strong by activating prior knowledge, creating anticipation, or establishing goals, student interest wanes, and you have to do some heavy lifting to get them back. If it fails to check for understanding, you will never know if the lesson's goal was attained. Here are eight ways to make those eight minutes magical.

Our Concord Maker Fair/Science Night will be on February 18th from 3:30-6.

Students can participate in a variety of ways:

  • K-5th grade: Encourage them to do a PRISM project. They can find the PRISM book on the Lindbergh Website under either the Programs or the Students dropdown. They need to submit a proposal. They can order a PRISM box for $3.00. Just send their proposal to me and I will send a form back for them to order a box.  All projects will be on display. Participants get a certificate and a Prism.
  • Kindergarten-2nd grade will be receiving an Animal Expo sheet to encourage them to research and draw their favorite animal. We will make them into posters. They will be on display and every participant will receive a certificate.
  • We will also be showcasing our  Maker Space in the library that night. Mrs. Graef will be looking for some projects to display that night.
  • Fifth graders will be encouraged to earn service hours by working that night: in the library showing off the Maker Space, giving out certificates and manning the electric circuits in the PD room.
Don’t miss this important Text Message! 
Sign Up for Concord’s  Text Messages on Jan. 14

This Thursday, Jan. 14, Lindbergh Schools will send an invitation text message to all parents inviting you to sign up for important text notifications from the district and Dr. Moehlmann. You must reply YES to the invitation message in order to receive future text notifications. This will replace Remind 101 for building-level text messages, so it is important to reply YES, in order to continue receiving notifications. The district will also use text messaging for emergency districtwide notifications or school closures (ex: snow days). For more information, please visit and click “SchoolMessenger” under the Parents tab.  

Lindbergh's All District Musical "THE LION KING Jr" will be presented  January 12th through 15th at LHS Auditorium. There will be 2 shows each night at 6:00 and at 8:00. Here is the LION KING PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE so you can see which present/former students are participating and the nights they will be onstage or working behind the scenes to make the show a huge success. Hope you can make it! The kids are having a blast and the show is AWESOME!! 

Thanks! Mike Tyler
More info available on our blog: 

Mon. 1.11.15 Dads of Concord Mtg.
Tues. 1.12.15 Staff Meeting 7:45 a.m.
Wed. 1.13.16 Early Release
Fri. 1.15.16 7:45 a.m. 2nd and 4th grade-Muffins with Mom
Mon. 1.18.16 No School-Martin Luther King Day
Tues. 1.19.16 Parent Teacher Group Meeting (State of the District Address) 7:00 p.m.
Wed. 1.20.16 All Day Reading PD with Liz and Megan
Fri. 1.22.16 3rd (p.m.) and 4th (a.m.) Ability Awareness Day

Angie Out: 
Wed. 1.13.16 9:00 a.m. Admin Leadership Team 

Fri. 1.22.16 Elementary Principal Meeting

Concord Call 5.17.19