I hope you are all having fun and enjoying the extra day this weekend! Summer is almost over-soak up those last few rays of sunshine!

Faculty Meeting: Please come prepared to this meeting and know the standard you are choosing for your PGP. In case you need a refresher about the standards, they are displayed outside of Angie's office.
Indoor Recess: Please make sure to leave a little something for your kiddos to do when we have indoor recess. Some great ideas include: coloring sheets, board games, interactive games, legos, etc. The expectations have been set that devices are off limits during this time. Hopefully, the weather will cool soon.
eValuate Update: For grades 3-5 eValuate is resuming. You will be expected to take the Reading eValuate for September, Math is optional. We will rotate every month. You may also choose to take both. Please determine that decision as a grade level and share with Liz so she can create a schedule for the cart. 2nd grade, you are on hold for now! New teachers, we will fill you in on how this works ASAP.
Classroom Library: As you organize your classroom libraries soon, please be sure to check out this blog post by Liz Keutzer. It has lots of great ideas, suggestions, and pictures.
Classroom Library: As you organize your classroom libraries soon, please be sure to check out this blog post by Liz Keutzer. It has lots of great ideas, suggestions, and pictures.

A huge thank you to all of you for giving up an evening last week for curriculum night. I am so appreciative of all that you do for our families to make them feel welcome and to have a solid foundation of our goals for the year.
Announcements for You to add to Social Media:
The New PTG Newsletter
The PTG launched their Newsletter on Monday August 31st. The letter is sent to inform you of all upcoming meetings, events, and volunteer opportunities that the PTG sponsors. This letter should arrive to your inbox once, every two weeks.
We will also be communicating events and volunteer opportunities through SignUp Genius throughout the year.
If you are not receiving these emails, please check your junk email or blocked list. The simplest way to insure you receive these emails is to add their address to your contacts list:concordptg@gmail.com and info@signupgenius.com
If you believe that we do not have your correct email address, please contact Jennifer Abercrombie atcjabercrombie@sbcglobal.net
You can easily unsubscribe from either or both by simply going to the bottom of the email and clicking on “unsubscribe.”
Monday, September 7:
No School-Labor Day
Tuesday, September 8:
7:45-8:30 Staff Meeting
9:00-Boyscout, Cubscout presentation to visit classrooms
Wednesday, September 9:
Angie out in a.m.
Thursday, September 10:
Angie out in p.m.
6:15-7:00 LEAP grades 1 and 2 Curriculum night
7:00-8:00 LEAP grade 5 Curriculum night
Friday, September 11:
6:30 PTG movie night at Concord-Big Hero 6
6:30 PTG movie night at Concord-Big Hero 6
Monday, September 14:
7:00 p.m. Dad's of Concord (DOC) Meeting
Tuesday, September 15:
Extended PLC meetings during block. Liz and Megan to facilitate.
7:00 p.m. Parent Teacher Group meeting
Wednesday, September 16:
Early Dismissal
Thursday, September 17:
6:15-7:00 LEAP grades 3 Curriculum night
7:00-8:00 LEAP grade 4 Curriculum night
Friday, September 18:
9 a.m. PEGS Preview
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