I hope you enjoyed the long break with family and friends and took some time to renew your spirit. I chose this quote because I want us all to find time to be joyful this holiday season. With just a short 3 ½ weeks until our next break, it is the time to focus our energy on a strong finish for 2016 and to find ways to inspire others with our daily actions. What will you do today to find and share joy?
Learning Labs:
We will meet in the conference room during your block with the exception of 4th grade who will meet in Gastreich’s room. Kindergarten and 1st will be talking about building number sense. Please download this app and bring your iPad. 2nd-5th will be talking about design thinking.
PD Reminder:
When participating in professional development, ensure you've entered the session in My Learning Plan at least a week before. When teachers enter their workshop a day or two prior to the event, administrators don't receive timely enough notice to approve the absence so that a sub can be assigned. Last minute submissions and approvals have resulted in a shortage of substitutes that requires building secretaries and principals to scramble for a solution. Thank you for helping to solve this problem.
Change in Block Schedule for this week ONLY:
Monday, Nov 28 be a B day and Wednesday, Nov 30th will be an E day. Please put this reminder in your parent news email so kids have the correct shoes.
Don’t forget to invite us in when you are working on something related to your PGPs so we can give you feedback.
Lindbergh Teacher Grants:
The next window for Galileo CBAS #2 is Nov 21- Dec 16. Please feel free buddy up with a teacher to share the cart to split the test into two days. Second grade will take the test on their own this time.
So let’s have a little team building fun! We are going to have a door decorating challenge starting Monday, November 28th. We will “judge” the doors on Friday, December 2nd at noon and the top 3 winning classes will get a holiday read aloud from Dr. Mariscal and myself. Here are some ideas to get your creative minds copying (I mean thinking).
A special thanks to all who attended the trivia night. It was such a fun event!
Angie Out:
Tuesday, 11.28.16 @ CO 10:00 a.m.
Friday, 12.2.16 @ Moore 1:00 p.m.