Sunday, October 30, 2016

Weekly Update 10.30.16-11.5.16

Fall Festival Reminders:    Please be sure to park at the Farmer’s Club tomorrow.   Don’t forget Kids Voting is in the library.   Here is the schedule once more.

Pumpkin Run Schedule:
5th Grade
4th Grade
3rd Grade
2nd Grade
PEGS and 1st Grade
***After the pumpkin run, Todd Thomas will be out on the back playground with his music.   He will be set up around 10:45  if any of the kindergarten friends want to hang out for a bit. ***

AM Kindergarten Parade 10:15-10:30
AM Kindergarten Party 10:30-11:30
Costume Parade begins at 1:40
Classroom Parties 2:00-3:00

United Way Campaign Update:  This year’s campaign runs through Nov. 4.  Every amount counts-our goal is to get 100% participation.  If we can do this, we will have a Concord Spirit Day!

Learning Labs: Here is the schedule for Thursday.  We will be meeting in the office conference room.

Helping Hands Campaign:  Next week we begin our Helping Hands Campaign! This project helps families that need a little bit of a helping hand over the holiday season. So, we are going to help them out by collecting things such as food, laundry detergent, shampoo, toothpaste, and yes, even toilet paper.  

Each week, we will show you examples of the kinds of things you should bring that week to donate.  Friday, November 4th is Jingles for Jammies! You get to wear your favorite pajamas to school and all we ask as that you bring in some spare change for our Helping Hands families.   Information will go home in your backpacks soon, so make sure you talk with your parents first before bringing items to school.


Angie Out:
11.4.16 Principal Mtg @ Moore 1:00 p.m.
11.9.16 Vacation Day
11.10.16 PDC mtg. in p.m.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

My Field Trip Yesterday

I had the opportunity to take a field trip yesterday to an amazing place called the TechShop.

While its St. Louis grand opening was this weekend, there are locations all over the United States.  It is a vibrant, creative community that provides access to instruction, tools, software, and space.  It is an open access, DIY workshop and fabrication studio.   It is a community-based space where entrepreneurs, artists, makers, teachers, and students come together to learn and work.
A gigantic whiteboard wall

Embroidery and screen printing space

A water cutter

Gigantic Woodworking room

A maker creating a kinetic sculpture from gigantic metal panels

Lab to create prototypes with laptops and multiple 3D printers
What I loved about visiting this space was being able to see the way our students will be working in their future.  What do you notice

If anyone is interested in visiting, they also have classes you can sign up for.  Check out the link to learn more.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Weekly Update 10.21.16-10.28.16

Parent Teacher Conference Details:
  • Please give a copy of your schedule to Terri M.
  • If you need someone to attend your conference such as Marco, Angie, Velina, or Maggi, please make sure to notify us ASAP.
  • Dinner will be set up in Teachers' Lounge by 3:15 each day
    • Monday, October 24 = PASTA PERFECTION
      • Cavatelli Cream Sauce wi/Broccoli
      • Baked Mostaccioli
      • St. Louis Style Italian Salad  
      • Fresh Bread & Butter
      • Cookies & Brownies
      • Soda & Water
    • Wednesday, October 26 = BOUNTIFUL BBQ
      • Smokehouse BBQ Pulled Chicken (60 servings)
      • Homemade Potato Salad
      • Baked Beans
      • Texas Toast
      • St. Louis Style Italian Salad (croutons on side)
      • Cookies & Brownies
      • Soda & Water

YOLO-Red Ribbon Week celebration
Each day next week will be a spirit day for red ribbon week.  Here is a schedule for the week:
Monday 10.24-Give drugs the “boot”-Everyone wears boots
Tuesday 10.25-Dress in Red
Wednesday 10.26-Dress Like your Favorite Character
Thursday 10.27-Put a Lid on Drugs-Everyone wears a hat
Friday 10.28-Wacky hair day

Fall Festival
-Pumpkin Run
-Kids Voting activity
-Spookly the Square Pumpkin: One day in the pumpkin patch the strangest little pumpkin hatched... Spookley the Pumpkin was different. All the other pumpkins teased him until Spookley proved that being different can save the day!
-Buddy Activity

As we start the 2nd quarter, please take a moment to have your students reevaluate their goals and make new ones.


Angie Out Next Week:
Tuesday, 10.25.16 visit  @ Hudson Elementary in p.m.
Wednesday, 10.26.16 STEM workshop all day
Thursday, 10.27.16 Leadership Conference in p.m.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Weekly Update 10.15.16-10.21.16

What a great message!  I want to take a moment to say thank you for an incredible first quarter of school.  Despite all of the business happening outside of the school day, the students continue to thrive and experience a top notch learning environment.  I thank you for all that you have done and continue to do to make sure our students are successful.

Report Card and Conference Reminders:
  • Grades due by Sunday, October 16th at midnight.
  • Reminder to use Elementary Effort Rubric when assigning your effort grades on the report cards.  Be sure to look this over before assigning effort #s.
  • Remember that what you do at guided reading is at the instructional level.  The grade is based upon instructional level.  This chart has instructional levels.  
  • Experimenting with Student Led Conferences?  Check out this link for a great way to empower your students.   At the bottom, there are some great resources that can be found on Edutopia.
  • Dinner will be provided both nights for conferences-BBQ pulled pork one night and Pasta another.  Thanks PTG!

Flyer Family Activity:

Early Release: Please remember to update your SLO forms in Drive as a part of your learning community work.  You will then want to share the completed link in TalentEd.

#LindberghLearns blog: I would like to encourage you to sign up to get the #LindberghLearns blog update.  You can do this by visiting the blog and entering your email in the gadget on the side.   If you have a blog, this is a great feature to allow parents to get updates immediately when you post.   
  Some posts to note:
    • A snapshot of Lindbergh Learning:  pics from district learning walks
    • A new model for leadership and learning
    • “Launch”ing STEM in elementary

This video is an excellent example of the power of positivity.  The message I took away from watching this is to try to smile more and be sure to tell others when they are doing a good job-be that students or staff!

This is new to me but it sounds like many of you are already using this app with your students.  What is mindfulness?  “We know that to really make a positive impact on children’s mental health, we need to provide them with skills that can be used throughout their lives.   If we tune in to our body and our mind through mindfulness and meditation, we can improve our learning.”  Take a moment to practice these daily either with your students or as an activity for yourself.   

A special thanks to Teri Keutzer for collecting, counting, and delivering the donation to the Backstoppers.  Check out the pictures posted to Facebook.

Early Release is this week, Wednesday, October 19th.  We will dismiss at 1:35 p.m.  
Be sure to remind parents of their conference time.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Weekly Update 10.8.17-10.14.16

I just want to thank everyone who took the positive challenge last week.  Did you notice anything different?  Take a moment to reflect on how that impacted your overall self.  Share your stories in the comments. Check out this post for 17 things you can do with 5 minutes per day to increase your happiness factor.

We will meet on Tuesday at 7:45 a.m. in the library. Please join us for an action packed meeting.   Please bring the book The Reading Strategies if you have it and any materials you have started for your “Tool Kit.”

Report Cards:
The first grade grading cycle is open in SIS.
  • I will share with parents.   Please do so as well.
  • Reminder for report cards...reference for you.

Fire Department Visit:
On Monday, the fire department will be visiting so please do not have anything in the hallways.  In addition, door stops should not be used on Monday.

Here is the schedule for Fall Festival.   We will talk more about this at the staff meeting.

Please be sure to remind parents that we will have a shortened day on Friday due to records day.

We would like to welcome Catherine Eiler to Concord as our substitute math intervention teacher.  

eShare for Yearbook:
As Teri K mentioned in her email from the PTG update, there is a new way for us to share pictures for the yearbook.  Please feel free to take a moment after parties or special occasions to add a few pictures from your devices. You can use the HJe Share app (iTunes version and  Android version)  or  You will need the code 14904 once you log in.

I came across this movie at some point during the week.  It made me think about how important each and every action is with our students. Take the 3 minutes to watch this-it is a good reminder of the influence we have on our students each and every day.  

A special thank you to our wonderful custodians for all they do.  Dave, Cheryl, and John-we so appreciate you!   And also a special thank you to Jean and her helpers for decorating the halls to make Friday such a wonderful day for our custodians.


Angie Out:
10.12.16 Admin Leadership @Moore property 9:00 a.m.
10.17.16 Learning Report Practice @ CO 12:30 p.m.
10.21.16 Principal Mtg. @ Moore 1:00 p.m.

Concord Call 5.17.19