Students in Mrs. Schrick's class had their Writing celebration with 'smores and a campfire today. They were able to take a "marshmallow, chocolate piece, and graham crackers" as they added compliments to each others' writing during a gallery walk.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Monday, September 26, 2016
Friday, September 23, 2016
Weekly Update 9.23.16-9.30.16
Picture Day:
District Walkthroughs:
Just a heads up that we will have visitors in our building for district walkthroughs on Thursday, 9.29.16, from about 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Mid Quarter Update:
It is just past mid-quarter...have you checked in with parents of students who are struggling?
Facebook Page:
If you have a FB page, please be sure to add me as an admin. You can use my Lindbergh email,, to add in the settings.
Flu Shot Clinic:
There will be a Flu Shot Clinic held at Concord this year. It will be held in the conference room on October 25th from 6:30 AM - 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM. These flu shots are free to you. Please show up in the conference rooms between these two times to receive your injection.
While developing skills in asking good questions is an important skill for teachers to master, it is also essential to help students learn to develop their own questions. When students can develop their own questions, they will be more engaged in the learning process. Providing opportunities for students to question content, create their own learning based on those questions, and find their own answers allows students to demonstrate higher order thinking and deep intellectual engagement. Click the link to read more...
Watch this quick video on leaping into blogging with your students. It’s worth the time!
Got exit slips? Who doesn’t these days...check out this new idea!
Thank you to Terri Keutzer for her work with the PTG.
Marco Out:
9.28.16 1st Grade Reading Training @CO all day
Angie Out:
9.27.16 MPER mtg. all day in Columbia
9.29.16 District Walkthroughs 1-3 p.m.
9.30.16 Principal Meeting @ Moore 1 p.m.
10.5.16 2nd Grade Reading Training @ CO all day
Friday, September 16, 2016
Weekly Update 9.17.16-9.23.16
Never forget how important you are to those around you-both students and teachers!
Family Team Success!
Thank you to all for your efforts with our first Flyer Family Team. The display looks awesome in the cafeteria. A special thanks to Patti Benwell, Paula Gorden, and Terri Billen for hanging ALL of those hands. If you have any suggestions or ideas for our next team, please email them to me. Check out the pictures!
Computer Cart Reminder:
Please remember that the carts are currently being used for Galileo. It has come to my attention that students are taking laptops from the cart throughout the day. This is a problem because then the teacher who needs to use the carts for testing does not have all of the computers. IF this happens to you, please let me know immediately so we can rectify the situation.
Facebook Page Reminder:
If you have a FB page, please be sure to add Marco or myself as an admin. You can use my Lindbergh email,, to add in the settings.
Next Practices Conference:
Get ready for some awesome learning! Our day on the 23th will be from 8pm-3pm.
PGP Meetings:
Looking forward to meeting with all of you during the next week to talk about your PGP’s. Please be sure to enter your information into TalentEd prior to our meeting.
9.20 PTG Party Planning @ 6:15, PTG General Mtg. @ 7:00 in library
9.21 RTI meeting at 8:25 a.m.
9.23 No School, Next Practices Conference, Fast Eddie’s Trip
9.27 ½ day Reading training-Kindergarten teachers
9.28 ½ day Reading training-1st grade teachers
Angie Out:
9.27 MPER in Columbia
9.29 District Walkthroughs @ 1 p.m.
9.30 Principal mtg. @ Moore 1 p.m.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Friday, September 9, 2016
Weekly Update 9.10.16-9.17.16
Special Note for 3, 4, and 5: Please have your students bring coloring utensils and scissors to the assembly. Thanks!
Schedule for the Day:
9:00-9:30 Assembly
9:30-10 Family Team mtg
10:10-10:30 AM Kindergarten
10:30-10:55 3rd Grade
10:55-11:20 4th Grade
11:20-11:45 5th Grade
11:45-12:15 Block Teachers Lunch
12:15-12:40 P.M. Kindergarten
12:40-1:05 2nd Grade
1:05-1:30 1st Grade
Flyer Family Assembly: 9:00-9:30
- Each student will have a card with their family team teacher name & teacher picture which will be put in your mailbox.
- Upper grade classes walk into assembly with younger partner classroom. As we call students to the gym, we will have the 5th grade go to K classrooms, 4th grade to 1st grade classrooms, and 3rd to 2nd grade classrooms. The older students will then walk them to the gym to find the picture of their family team leader that will be posted around the gym in ABC order.
- We will have a short assembly sitting in your family and then break out into our family team meeting at your designated location.
Flyer Family Meeting: 9:30-10:00
Schedule of Activities- (teachers, be sure to find out your 'family' shirt color ahead of time, white construction paper will be given to team leaders before the 14th)
- Choose a family name-Record in Google Doc
- Write down t- shirt size for each kid-Record in Google Doc
- Each student will trace their hand on white construction paper, cut out hands
- Each student will write a few adjectives and/or draw pictures about themselves on their hand
- The students will color the hand the same color as their t-shirt.
- Play a get to know you activity if there is extra time.
When we call for classes to return on the announcements, please keep in mind that the 5th graders in each family will help k get back to their class, the 4 graders help 1st graders and 3rd graders help 2nd graders.
Indoor Recess Update
I would ask that we have similar choices for indoor recess:
- Reading of books
- Games (Let me know if you need some games.)
- Electronics (unless students become inappropriate)
- Coloring
As you are taking with students about being proactive, Ira Sleeps Over is a great book to help support the conversation about being in control of the way we respond in certain situations. This Stop and Think chart reinforces the principle that between stimulus and response we have a choice, which is part of Habit 1: Be Proactive. To use the chart, first list the stimulus (the situation, the event, etc. that happens to you) in the box on the left. Then stop and think about how you might respond. Choose an appropriate response and write it in the box on the right. The emphasis is on students being aware of their ability to choose rather than react to a given situation.
I would like to recognize and thank the following staff for agreeing to share their talents with us at the Next Practices conference: Anna, Liz, Carrie, Hannah, Becky, Colleen, Adrienne, Nicole, Amy, Marco, Brandi, Megan, Bridget, Paula, Susan, Anne, MariKate, Christine, Katie, and Meredith. If anyone else is planning a session, please let me know. It is going to be a great day of learning!
Please be sure to share this opportunity with parents on your social media pages:
STEM Scouts comes to Concord! This program is a hands-on, fun, and challenging way for youth to learn about STEM and the different career avenues STEM offers. With the new STEM Scouts pilot program, we want to invigorate excitement around STEM knowledge in youth. STEM Scouts is a coed program for youth in 3rd – 12th grade and helps them learn the values of Scouting through immersion in STEM activities. This program is designed to offer a program to students who are interested science, technology, engineering, and math and may not be interested in the typical Scouting program.
Through weekly afterschool meetings using four- to six-week thematic modules that cover a variety of disciplines, STEM Scouts is designed to be fast paced, thought provoking, and fun. The coed program provides a great opportunity for collaboration and gives all youth a chance to develop better STEM understanding and skills.
STEM Scouts is designed to be youth led with adult guidance, teaching youth the inner workings of a lab through fun, interactive modules designed for the perspective age groups. STEM Scouts focuses on showcasing STEM professionals and STEM organizations/companies as partners. If you would like to learn more, please attend an informational meeting with your child on Wednesday, September 14th @ 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. If you are unable to attend, please For more information, please visit or contact Joey Stokes at 314-814-2838 or
9.12 DOC meeting 7:00 pm-Dulany’s Grille
9.14 Early Dismissal, Flyer Families Assembly and Activity
9.14 Girl Scout Night sign up @Concord Library 6:00 pm
9.14 STEM Scout Night sign up @Concord Cafeteria 6:30 pm
9.15 4th grade to Powder Valley
9.16 4th grade to Powder Valley, Concord Movie Night
9.20 PTG Party Planning @ 6:15, PTG General Mtg. @ 7:00 in library
9.23 No School, Next Practices Conference, Fast Eddie’s Trip
Angie Out of the Building:
9.14 Admin. Leadership mtg. @Moore 9 am
9.16 Principal mtg. @Moore 1 pm
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Monday, September 5, 2016
Weekly Update 9.6.16-9.9.16
Wow! What another fabulous week! I hope you were able to spend time sharpening the saw this weekend with your family. Take time to rejuvenate and celebrate all of the awesome success you have had in getting the school year started.
Learning Lab Notes: Click here to see a summary of all of the topics we talked about during learning labs this week. Many of you had some really great ideas on how to build your classroom libraries and be able to structure your readers workshop to prepare students for a successful year.
Staff Meeting Agenda: (Tuesday, 7:45 a.m. in the library) Please be sure to bring a charged laptop as we will be working on our PGP’s for the year.
Flyervision: Thanks for your understanding as we work out a few kinks in the system. Lessons learned from today-we will use the Concord page to post daily at 8:45 a.m. and we will try to film right side up on Tuesday.
#goodnewscalloftheday: Possibly one of my new favorite times in the day. The pure joy that is on these children's faces when we call home is so very cool to see. And I love seeing this fire catch on in your classrooms as well. Some teachers are even trying it out in their own classrooms by sending out an individual email each day to praise a student. Positive recognition rocks!
BYOC. Be sure to take a look at BYOC for the current Social Studies curriculum for this year. It will be updated again with the new standards next year.
Mandatory PD...due by 9/30 - All items in the presentation must be completed, including watching all embedded videos. This year, we have embedded the Smarter Adults, Safer Children video within this presentation. Please be sure to play this video in its entirety (it takes about 35 minutes). The remaining parts of the mandatory PD presentation take about 10 minutes in total.
At the end of the presentation, you will find a google form to complete. This will verify that you have completed your mandatory PD for the 2016-17 school year. This must be completed by September 30th.
Great anchor chart for Habit 1:

Are your learning targets current? Are they posted in an accessible place for students? Here are some great resources as you work on posting your learning outcomes. Choosing the correct verb in the “I Can” statements is very powerful.
A special thanks to all of you who stepped in for external pick up to help support this process. I feel things were so much better better when we are able to use the cafeteria for the dismissal process. I really appreciate all of you who stepped in even though it wasn't your duty day.
Please be sure to share this opportunity with parents on your social media pages:
STEM Scouts comes to Concord! This program is a hands-on, fun, and challenging way for youth to learn about STEM and the different career avenues STEM offers. With the new STEM Scouts pilot program, we want to invigorate excitement around STEM knowledge in youth. STEM Scouts is a coed program for youth in 3rd – 12th grade and helps them learn the values of Scouting through immersion in STEM activities. This program is designed to offer a program to students who are interested science, technology, engineering, and math and may not be interested in the typical Scouting program.
Through weekly afterschool meetings using four- to six-week thematic modules that cover a variety of disciplines, STEM Scouts is designed to be fast paced, thought provoking, and fun. The coed program provides a great opportunity for collaboration and gives all youth a chance to develop better STEM understanding and skills.
STEM Scouts is designed to be youth led with adult guidance, teaching youth the inner workings of a lab through fun, interactive modules designed for the perspective age groups. STEM Scouts focuses on showcasing STEM professionals and STEM organizations/companies as partners. If you would like to learn more, please attend an informational meeting with your child on Wednesday, September 14th @ 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria.
9.5 No School
9.6 Staff Meeting 7:45 am
9.6 PTG Board mtg. 9:00-11:00 in conference room
9.7 RTI meeting in Conference room 8:25 am
9.7 Walkthroughs with Dr. Sparks
9.12 DOC meeting 7:00 pm
9.14 Early Dismissal, Flyer Families Assembly and Activity
9.14 Girl Scout Night sign up @Concord Library 6:00 pm
9.14 STEM Scout Night sign up @Concord Cafeteria 6:30 pm
9.16 Concord Movie Night
Angie Out of the Building:
9.8 PDC mtg. @Moore 8:30-11:30 am
9.9 SSD conference 8:30-12 pm
9.14 Admin. Leadership mtg. @Moore 9 am
9.16 Principal mtg. @Moore 1 pm
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I am so very excited about fall! With the change in temps, comes my absolute favorite thing in life....pumpkin spice latte from Starbu...
Concord Team- I know the times before a break can be quite trying. Our students are feeling the need to be outside as the weather chan...
All- I just wanted to thank you for all that you do each and every day at Concord. This is truly a family that helps each other out bo...