Math Intervention Reminder for Grades 2, 3, and 4: Please remember to complete the spreadsheet for Math Intervention Ranking by May 12th.
Staff Meeting will be Tuesday, May 10th at 7:45 a.m. in the library.
Fire Drill: Tuesday, May 10th @9:00 a.m.
Intruder Drill: Wednesday, May 11th @9:30 a.m.
Please review these drill procedures with your students:
1. An announcement will be made to all students notifying them of the location of an intruder in the building. It will be stated before and after the drill that this is only a drill scenario and not a real situation.
2. Teachers will make decisions with their students based on the information they are given.
a. If teachers decide to get out, they are to take the students out of the building in a timely fashion, without putting them at risk of injury. Once outside, students should be gathered near the entrance of the building to await the all-clear sign. Students should be told that in a real situation, they are NOT to stop outside of the building and should get to a safe location away from campus. Teachers can discuss potential safe places near the school.
b. If teachers decide to lock out, they can discuss with students how to barricade the door. They can also move furniture in front of the door to secure the room. This should be done sensitively to the age of the student. It is recommended that the act should be made into a team challenge for elementary students (How many desks and tables can we stack in front of the door in 30 seconds?, e.g.)
c. If there is a second exit from the room, teachers can decide to get students out of the room after the door has been secured. In other words, teachers may choose to switch to a get out strategy after having already used a lock out strategy.
3. Principals will give the all-clear signal to return to instruction.

Please be sure to sign up for summer classes @ My Learning Plan. I am excited about all of the wonderful opportunities and encourage each of you to try one out. Where else can you get paid to learn? I am going to take #1 and #7.
1. Jennifer Serravallo The Reading Strategies Book Study Teachers will participate in a book study using Jennifer Serravallo's book The Reading Strategies Book. Discussions will be facilitated by Jana Parker and Jodi Meese and centered around grade levels. Heinemann has published a book study outline that will be followed.
2. Building the Growth Mindset Based on the groundbreaking book Mindset: the new psychology of success by Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck, this class will explore the tremendous impact that a teacher's words and actions have on our students. Participants will learn strategies for fostering a spirit of intellectual growth and perseverance in students. Changes are easy to make and will have an immediate impact.
3. Project Based Learning in Action!According to the Buck Institute: Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge. This course will help you understand the basic tenets of PBL and how you can effectively incorporate them into your middle of high school classroom. All subjects are welcome and encouraged as this is a powerful teaching tool to add to your toolbox. The course will be led by two instructors who have explored Project Based Learning in a year long adventure and will be able to share personal ups and downs of the experience as well as help troubleshoot during the unit planning process.
4. Introduction to Reading Strategies This course provides teachers with the opportunity to become familiar with Jennifer Serravallo's The Reading Strategies Book and develop an understanding of the book structure and how it can be used as a supplementary resource in reading workshop. *Please contact instructor before purchasing the book for this class.
5. Passionate Learners: How to Engage and Empower Your Students This course revolves around the work of educator Pernille Ripp whose book, Passionate Learners, is an excellent guide to transforming your classroom culture and letting students take ownership of their learning. We will be examining practical tools that will help all educators create a positive and innovative learning environment for students.
6. Using Poetry to Engage Readers and Increase Comprehension Educators will have a better understanding of the effect poetry has on comprehension and ways to use poetry to engage readers at the elementary level.
7. DIY Literacy for Elementary Are the teaching tools you offer your kids really helping them to grow? This course explores how to use literacy tools (anchor charts, notebooks, micro-progressions, and bookmarks) to meet the needs of all learners. You will create tools that you can use in your classroom from day 1. *Please check with instructor before purchasing the book for this class.
8. Standards-Based Grading and Assessment for Learning Strategies In this course, we will offer an introduction to standards-based grading and the assessment for learning strategies that make it a worthwhile way of doing business in schools. The overall course will consist of six meetings during which we'll discuss How to Grade for Learning by Ken O'Connor, view and discuss video excerpts by SBG/AFL experts such as Rick Wormeli, Doug Reeves, and others, and uncover best classroom practices for implementation.

A HUGE thank you to Holly and Eric Stockmann and Steve Ippolito for providing lunch for teacher appreciation week. Please take a moment to send them an email or note:
5.7 Garden work day from 9-11
5.9 BOGO Scholastic Book Fair
5.12 iDiscover 4th grade Grandparents event
5.13 Staff Recognition and PD day
5.14 Spirit Festival and Parade
5.16 3rd Grade Field Trip-Old Court House
5.17 5th Grade Fly Up day to Sperreng and Truman
5.19 5th Grade DARE Graduation
Fun Day
End of Year Staff Party
Angie Out:
5.9 All Day
5.10 Mtg. @ 1:30-3 p.m. CO
5.11 Leadership Mtg. @ Moore
5.18 Afternoon Field trip with Kindergarten