Friday, March 25, 2016

Weekly Update 3.27.16-4.2.16

Welcome back everyone!  I hope you enjoyed your time with family and are returning rejuvenated and energized to finish this last quarter of the year with the same passion you had back in August.  I like to look at this time of the year as a time to experiment with ideas you have been wanting to try.  For example, Meghan Mais is trying out genius hour in her classroom.  Here is the exciting message she shared with parents:

When we come back from break, we will be starting something called Genius Hour.  Some of you may have read about it, but if you have not, I will give you a run-down on what it entails.  Genius Hour is one hour of class-time set aside each week where the kids have a chance to collaborate, work toward a common cause, use their talents and strengths, and get creative about something they are passionate about!  We will come up with an idea as a class and they will have one hour per week to work on their projects.  The possibilities are endless and totally driven by the kids.  The goal of genius hour is to mold little innovators and creators- students who use inquiry and creativity to think for themselves and problem solve in ways they may not have before.

Before we start our BIG genius hour in a few weeks, we will be doing a smaller, intro version where we will be creating different types of transportation, asking and answering essential questions about them, etc.  We just finished our unit on transportation, so the kids know a bit about it.  I would love to have them create their projects using recycled goods such as cardboard boxes (tissues, cereal, shoe boxes, etc), paper towel and toilet paper rolls, straws, paper cups and really anything else they can think of or have on hand.  Things like pipe cleaners, stickers, foam sticky shapes and things of that sort would also be great if you are interested in donating those as well.  If you can save these items for us as you use them, we would LOVE it.  Please send them in anytime during the next 2-3 weeks.  The more the better!   

I am so excited to start this with our little kiddos- there's nothing better than watching their little minds light up when they get excited about something!  This is SUCH an authentic way to get them excited about school, boost self-esteem, and get them researching and thinking outside the box about things!  I can't wait to get started.  

Student to Student Feedback:  Check out these two students having a quick peer conference.  In this video, you get to see students critiquing one another’s work and helping make their work stronger.  PS:  The video is only 3 minutes!

Making Digital Portfolios Easier:  Are you looking for ways for students to create digital portfolios?  Or, are you looking for ways to make your student’s digital portfolios easier?  Here is a quick read with some great ideas.  

Your Shining Moment:  Check out this super quick (1 minute) video on how a teacher uses student celebrations in their classroom.  

DESE ELA Resources: link to DESE's ELA portion of the website with some great resources. (click on the green bar for grade-level resources)
Resources include:
  • Grade-level writing prompts and scoring samples (this would be particularly beneficial for 5th & 8th grades right now)
  • Grade level blueprints
  • Grade level writing rubrics for the 3 genres

In this video, students are reminded of the importance of goal setting.  It would be a great time of year to revisit goals for the last quarter. 

Here are some bulletin board ideas that might support an activity to go along with this video.

I also really like this goal setting bulletin board for writing (seen during our Crestwood learning walk).  For the unit, the writing checklist is posted and then students set personal goals.  Each time they use a strategy, they add a sticker to their goal sheet.  Easy way to help students hold themselves accountable.

Feel free to share any of your ideas on ConcordU or in a response to this post.  We would love to see how you are using goal setting in your classroom.

Garden Work Day-April 2nd 9-12
Here is the link to the signup genius if you are available

  • Please send a copy of your conference schedule to Terri.  
  • Update student work in hallways and anchor charts.

Wednesday 3.30.16 Learning Visits-4th grade  a.m. and 1st grade p.m.
Thursday 3.31.16 Parent Teacher Conferences 4-7
Friday 4.1.16 ½ day release @ 11:50, ½ day Conference Compensation day
Monday 4.4.16 Visitors from Mehlville in a.m., Major Saver Limo ride
Tuesday 4.5.16 PTG board meeting 9-11, Learning Visits-2nd grade a.m. and 3rd grade p.m.
Wednesday 4.6.16 Learning Visits-Kindergarten a.m. and 5th grade p.m., 2nd grade circus 6-7
Thursday 4.7.16 Learning Labs
Friday 4.8.16 Librarian’s Day, Kindergarten field trip to fire station

Angie Out:
Tuesday 3.29.16 Internal Interviews @ CO
Friday 4.8.16 1:00 Principal meeting @ Moore

Friday, March 18, 2016

Happy Spring Break!

You are all so deserving of this wonderful spring break.  Enjoy the week-be sure to rest, relax, and enjoy your time.

Share what you are going to do this week in the comments!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Weekly Update

Concord Team-
I know the times before a break can be quite trying.  Our students are feeling the need to be outside as the weather changes (as are we) and our patience can be low.  Take a moment this weekend to recharge and refocus.  We can do this!  Please let us know if there is anything we can do to support you and your students.

Farmers Club Update: This is a big change….Lindbergh is now partnering with the Farmers Club for parking so we no longer have the ability to just park at their facility.  We need to notify them ahead of time.  I have been asked to create a list for next year.  This means that I will need to know ahead of time when you are inviting parents onto the campus for grade level events such as author celebrations, expert fairs, genius projects, etc.  As a grade level, please email me any events for the remainder of the year that you might be planning as well as next year.

Revised MAP schedule: Here is our revised MAP schedule.  Please be sure to take a look because we made several switches including a later start date.  Thanks!

Copy Center reminder: Please remember to to use the Copy Center any time you are making copies.  It is most economical and saves our copy machines from an early death.

Laminating reminder: Please remember to only laminate those items that are necessary.  We are using an extensive amount of laminating materials this year.  

Last call for Teacher of the Year and Support Staff Person of the Year:  Nominations due to the office by this Friday, March 18th.   PLEASE consider nominating someone!

Paperslides: Check out this link to help you understand what a paperslide video is all about.  This is is a great technique  to create a quick video to create, share, and reflect on content.  This video was created by a group of middle school students at Sperreng. It is EPIC....

This blog post has some cool ideas about using photographs to teach Close Reading.  The idea is that students are encouraged to look closely at an image without being told what to see.  What do you see in the image below?  Post a comment in response to this blog post.

Feel free to share this movie with your students.  How does it connect with the habit “Begin with the End in Mind?”

A special thank you to our Dads of Concord on a wonderful Daddy/Daughter Dance.  Here is a link to the pictures.

Thank you to Paula for arranging the Fancy Nancy assembly.  The students really enjoyed it!

Concord Cruise in PE will be on Wednesday/Thursday, March 16-17. As part of the cruise, children can dress up in vacation/cruise/luau attire. They must still wear tennis shoes and no swimwear.

Sunday 3.13.16 Spring Concerts at the High School Auditorium
  • 1st Grade: How Does Your Garden Groove? at 2:00 p.m.
  • 3rd Grade: Green Machine Team at 3:00 p.m.
  • 5th Grade: Gotta Be Jazz  at 4:00 p.m.

Monday 3.14.16 MU Fellows Interviews @ Concord
Tuesday 3.15.16
  • 8:00 a.m. Committee Meetings
  • 1:30 p.m. Statewide Tornado Drill
  • 7:00 p.m. PTG meeting

3.21.16-3.25.16 Spring Break-Wahoo!
Angie Out:
Friday 3.18.16 Principal Mtg. @ Moore

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Our Homework Discussion from the Staff Meeting

Here is a blog post titled Homework is Wrecking Our Kids.  Interesting food for thought.  I also added the "transcript" of the Today's Meet activity.

Not sure if meaningful
Don't give much.
The kids work really hard at school so they need to be a kid when they get home! :)
Less homework the better. As a teacher and a parent.
Reading daily and practicing sight words is necessary is K.
A little to prepare for ms & hs
Kids need more time to play and unwind
Hard for parents to stay on top of. Difficult for students who are struggling.
I hate it....takes away from family time
It's difficult to get kids to do it & parents to have time to follow up with it.
It is stupid!kids should be playing
Less homework. Kids need more play time and so do parents!
Like to reading nightly and practice some math facts
Some students have the advantage on parental support. Should be ungraded, completion
Homework can be excessive. Should be a review for students
reading daily is necessary
Some practice is good as long as it's not excessive
Homework should be intentional and have a purpose.
Need to educate parents about more authentic homework experiences. (Other than worksheets)

Monday, March 7, 2016

Friday, March 4, 2016

Weekly Update 3.6.16-3.12.16

Fancy Nancy author, Jane O’Connor, will be visiting Concord on March 9th for an assembly for grades 1-3. 1st and 5th grade will switch block for the day.  Grades 1-3 should report to the gym at 9:45 a.m.

Visitors This Week:
  • Members of the PDC will be at Concord between 9:00-10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 8th.
  • Visitors from Hancock will be learning how we incorporate iPads on Friday.

March 7th-11th is National Social Worker Week. Michelle Studer and Jennifer Ulrich

Nominate your colleagues for Teacher of the Year.  Nominations due to the office by March 18th. We have phenomenal teachers...PLEASE consider nominating someone!

Spring Conferences:
Please keep in mind the following criteria for requesting conferences:
As you begin to decide who you'd like to request a spring conference with in March, please consider the list below to help with your decisions.  Students that fall into one or more of the categories below need to have a conference.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  Conferences ​should​ be scheduled for the following students...
  • All students performing below grade level in any subject area
  • All students receiving a C or below in the intermediate grades or AC in the primary grades
  • All students who have significant concerns in character development
  • All students currently on RTI (Tier 2 and above)
  • Any student who has had a significant drop in a grade(s) during the quarter or year
  • Any student who has significant effort concerns

Congrats to Anna Martin for being selected by  Merck KGaA, in Darmstadt, Germany to receive funding from the  “Smarter, Together” in the Classroom, a program to support the future generation of passionately curious scientists.  She was able to purchase 2 dash and dot robots, kinex, and other lego/STEM related pieces for her Science centers. Way to go!

Chandra Heinlein OT and Brooke Huffmann SLP won a Lasting Impression Award this week at the  SSD Salutes banquet. This is an award given to support staff who make a difference in the lives of their students. There were 9 recipients of this award from across St. Louis County. Be sure to congratulate them!

Check out this article by AJ Juliani titled 7 Lessons we Fail to Teach in School.  With our recent discussions about dreaming big, I think this is a great reminder about trying something new.  

Bosses vs. Leaders Lesson: Check out this great blog post for your leader time this week.

The moms and their fellows really enjoyed the Mother/Son dance this week.  A huge thank you to the Dads of Concord for hosting this event.  

Monday 3.7.16 DOC meeting 7:00 p.m
Tuesday 3.8.16 Daddy/Daughter Dance Concord 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Friday 3.11.16 1st and 3rd Grade Donuts with Dads, MU Fellows Interviews @ Concord
Saturday 3.12.16 Concord Garden Work Day 9:00-12:00 p.m.
Monday 3.14.16 MU Fellows Interviews @ Concord
Tuesday 3.15.16 1:30 p.m. Statewide Tornado Drill, 7:00 p.m. PTG meeting

Angie Out:
Tuesday 3.8.16 9:00-12:00 p.m. District PD meeting
Wednesday 3.9.16 9:00-11:30 a.m. Admin Leadership Team
Friday 3.18.16 Principal Mtg. @ Moore

Concord Call 5.17.19